The Jerry Segal Classic was started by former Magee Rehabilitation Hospital patient, Jerry Segal. Jerry was a man with eternal optimism. He always saw every obstacle as an opportunity to work harder, to give more, and to inspire others through his actions. The continued success of The Segal Classic shows us that his optimism was, in fact eternal, by leaving us a way to continue to give back.
Jerry’s commitment to Magee began during his 4 month inpatient stay after a spinal cord injury. Throughout his grueling recovery, Jerry’s goal of returning to the links was a huge motivational factor. After battling his way back onto the golf course, he rallied his friends to help give back to the people he believed were responsible for his success: Magee. One by one, his friends handed over donations to Magee. And so, The Segal Classic began in 1989 at the White Manor Country Club.
Today, his children, grandchildren, and friends continue The Segal Classic in his name. Known as The Friends of Jerry Segal, we continue his mission to help Magee patients through their hardest times.

I was sitting in the Magee cafeteria in my wheelchair, my head in a halo cast, and nothing moving below my shoulders, when I had the idea. I turned to my wife Carolyn and said, ‘Bring me my 7-iron.’ She looked skeptical, and honestly so did the doctor. But the next day she brought it, along with a ball. My therapists velcroed my hands to the club and I shrugged my shoulders to take a small swing. I hit the ball about 20 feet, looked up at Carolyn and said, ‘See? I’ll be back.’”
– Jerry Segal